Home / Dry cleaning in the hotel "Uyut"

Dry cleaning in the hotel "Uyut"

The hotel «Uyut» which located in the central district of Almaty offers a broad list of comprehensive services, including the modern Laundry. In case of need you can always order laundry or ironing to keep your clothes in the best conditions. 

Warning! Laundry/Ironing services shall be paid according to the current price list (check the cost of Laundry services at our hotel).
Machine or manual (for delicate items) washing can take different time, depending on expedition:
·         Standard-12 hours;
·         Extra-6-8 hours. 


All the stuff you need to laundry should be carefully folded into the separate packages and provided with a completed service order form indicating the urgency of its implementation.

Rely on real professionals and keep your clothes in good order and proper form, regardless of the intenseness of your cultural or business program in Almaty!


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